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YBX3-80~355系列高效率隔爆型三相异步电动机是我公司在YB3系列电动机的基础上结合当前国内外电磁结构、工艺、材料等方面的新技术而开发 研制成功的全封闭自扇冷高效率三相异步电动机。具有高效节能、温升裕度大、寿命长、性能好、噪音低、隔爆结构先进、可靠性高、使用维护方便 等优点。该系列电动机效率指标符合GB18613-2012《中小型三相异步电动机能效限定值及能效等级》电动机能效2级指标,并与IEC60034-30的IE3保 持一致。其功率等级和安装尺寸符合IEC标准并与YB2、YB3系列电动机相同,有利于出口设备配套使用和原有设备的更新替代。

本系列电动机符合GB755-2008《旋转电机 定额和性能》 .其防爆性能符合GB3836.1-2010《爆炸性环境 第1部分: 设备 通用要求》和 GB3836.2-2010《爆炸性环境第2部分:由隔爆外壳“d”保护的设备》的规定,分别制成隔爆型Exdl Mb、ExdlIAT4 Gb、ExdIIBT4 Gb,适用于煤矿井 下(非采掘工作面)及工厂IIA、IIB级,温度组别T1~T4组的爆炸性气体环境的危险场所。

ExdI Mb适用于具有瓦斯气体环境(采掘工作面除外)。

ExdIIAT4 Gb适用于工厂用IIA类,温度组别为T1、T2、T3和T4组爆炸性气体混合物存在的环境。

ExdIIBT4 Gb适用于工厂用IIB类,温度组别为T1、T2、T3和T4组爆炸性气体混合物存在的环境。

本系列电动机还可制成湿热带型YBX3-TAW、热带型YBX3-T、户外型YBX3-W和户外防中等腐蚀型YBX3-WF1、户外防强腐蚀型YBX3-WF2 以及户外湿热类型YBX3-THW、户外干热带型YBX3-TAW、热带型YBX3-T、户外热带型YBX3-TW、户内防中等腐蚀型YBX3-F1、户内防强腐蚀 型YBX3-F2。


产品的结构特点 :

1.本系列电动机的外壳基本防护等级为 IP55,若用户有需要,还能拓展成防护等级为IP56或IP65。








YBX 3 series of flameproof high efficiency three - phase Induction Motors type of H 80~355 are latest products developed by our company combining with home and abroad electromagnetic structure , technique a nd material etc based on YB3 series of motors.This series of motors have many merits such as high-efficiency energy conservation , big margin of temperature rise , long service lfe , excellent performance , low noise advanced explosion - pr oof structure, high reliabilty and convenient operation and maintenance etc . The efficienc y index of this series motors confirms to the energy efficiency grades 2 of specified in GB18613-2006 minimum allowable values of energy efficiency and the energy eficiency grades for small and medium three - phase asynchronous motors . Power class and the installation dimensions accord with IEC standard . also completely in the same way as YB2 and YB3 senes three-phase induction motors.

This series of motors meet GB 755-2008“ Rotating electrical machines - Rating a nd performance”,company standards of Q/320206JLAB01-2009“Technical specifcation of YB3 series of flameproof three-phase induction motor ( Frame Numer : H63~355)” . Their fiameproof performance should meet GB 3836.1-2010 “ Explosive atmospheres , Part 1: Apparatus General requirements ”and GB3836.2-2010“Explosive atmospheres, Part2:Apparatus protected by the crustforlame- proof “d” . Thefameprooftypes ofthis series ofmotors areExdIMb 、 ExdIAT4 Gband ExdBT4 Gb.This series ofmotorsaresuitableforthe non-miningworkingarea inunderground mine or the dangerous locations in factories where there are explosive gas of class IIA,IIB and temperature of cass T1~T4.

Exdl Mb applies to environment with ga s (excluding mining face).

ExdlIAT 4 Gb applies to llA dlass forfactory . The temperature class is T 1, T2, T3 and T 4 of environme nt with explosive gas mixture.

ExdBT 4 Gb applies to lIB class forfactory . The temperatureclass is T 1,T2, T3 and T 4 ofen vironment with explosive gas mixture.

Shell protecion degree of this series of motors is IP55,the cooling systemis IC411.

This series of motors have the folowing types : humid tropics type ( YBX 3- TH ). dry tr opics type(YBX3-TA),outdoor type(YBX3-W),outdoor medium-antcorrosion type(YBX3-WF1)and outdoor humid type(YBX3-THW),outdoor dry tropics type(YBX3-TAW),indoor tropics type(YBX-T) 、 outdoortropics type(YBX3-TW).




环境空气最大相对湿度不超过95%(当温度为25℃时)(煤矿井下)或 最湿月月平均相对湿度为90%,同时该月月平均最低温度不高于25℃(工厂)。

额定电压: 380v、660v、1140v、380/660v、660/1140v。



Altitude: An altitude should not be over 1000 meters above sea level.

Ambient airtemperature: The minimum ambienttemperature is-15 ℃ .the maximum is 35 ℃(inunderground coal mine)or 40 ℃(in factories).

The maximum relative humidity of ambient air is notexceeding 95%(under the condtionoftemperature 25 ℃)(inunderground coal mine)or the monthly average relative humidity is 90% and the monthly average minimum temperature is not exceeding 25 ℃ in the moistest month (in factories).

Rated voltage: 380V,660V,1140V,380/660V,660/1140V.

Rated frequency: 50Hz

Working mode: continuous duty(S1)

The order with the requirements for special operation conditions shall be through the negotiation of both the supply and demand party.