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YCT系列电磁调速电动机由三相(或单相)异步电动机与电磁转差离合器和测速发电机所组成, 通过JD型或ZTK 型控制器,调节转差离合器的励磁电流,实现输出转速的无级调节。 产品性能和安装尺寸符合JB/T7123规定, 与国际标准lEC接軌。产品广;乏应用子结织、印染、水泥、造t氏、印刷、橡胶、塑料、制糖、建筑、鼓风等行业。



YCT series electromagnetic governor motor consists of three-phase induction motor,electro-magnetic difference change clutch and speed indicating generator lt is usually mated with Model JD or ZTK controller to form a set of AC stepless governor device. lt is widely applicable to the ind-ustries of txtile, dying, cement, paper-making,printing,rubber,plastic,sugarmaking,agitation,air blowing,fiber and cable,etc.