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  • 安装及外形尺寸

YFB2粉尘防爆型三相异步电动机是我公司在YA2系列电动机的基础上派生的,在国内外电磁结构、工艺、材料等方面的技术研发成功的新产品。具有高效节能、温升低、寿命长、噪声低、可靠性高、使用维护方便等优点,效率符合GB18613-2012《中小型三相异步电动机能效限定值 和能效等级》电动机能效2级,其功率等级和安装尺寸符合IEC标准并与YA2效率电动机相同。

本系列电动机符合GB755-2008《旋转电机定额和性能》、其防爆性能符合GB 12476.5-2013《可燃性粉尘环境用电气设备第5部分:外壳保 护型:“tD”》的规定,该系列电动机根据防爆区域选择相应的防爆标志见表:


本系列电动机还可以制成湿热带型YFB2-TH、干热带型YFB2-TA、户外型YFB2-W和户外防腐蚀型YFB2-WF1以及户外湿热类型 YFB2-THW、户外干热型YFB2-TAW、热带型YFB2-T、户外热带型YFB2-TW.



YFB2 Dust-explosion proof Three-phase asynchronous motor is the subseries of YA2 series motors, This new development motoris new product on electromabnetism structure、Process、Materal.Motor with High effciency Energy saved、lowtemperature rise、long life、low noise、more reliable、convenient to Manual maintenance.Effciency according to GB 18613-2012, Grade 2 Efficiency, the output and mount dimension according to lEC standard and the same efficiency as YA2 motor.

The motor according to B755-2008 standard、The explosion proofperformance according to GB12476.5-2013 standard. The dfferent Explosion proof symbol with different Explosion proof area as follow:

The protection of this series motor is IP55or lP65,cooling method with IC411.

This series of motors have the followingtypes:humid tropics type(YFB2-TH), dry tropics type(YFB2-TA),outdoortype(YFB2-W),outdoor medium-anticorrosion type(YFB2-WF1)and outdoor humidtype(YFB2-THW),outdoor drytyopics type(YFB2-TAW),indoortropics type(YFB2-T), outdoor tropics type(YFB2-TW).